The ombudsman provides regular tutorials directly in workshops to be as close to the employees as possible. They can communicate with him in person, over telephone, by Email or through a web form. The ombudsman works independently in our employees' favour and defends their interests. He also takes an active part in creation of the best possible working environment and supervises a relational culture.
Our programme to support employees
Our programme to support employees means free-of-charge confidential assistance that is available at any time in order to solve a whole series of problems. The assistance includes but is not limited to the following areas:
WORK-RELATED ISSUES - assistance with finding a suitable working position, help in cases of humiliation of human dignity (mobbing, bossing, interpersonal relations), assistance with harmonization of personal life and working life, assistance to elderly employees (50+), return to work after maternity leave, integration of a disabled person into working life.
THE LAW & MONEY MATTERS - financial literacy, financial straits (executions, discharge from debts), consumer rights.
PERSONAL MATTERS - Coping with complicated situations in life (stress, domestic violence, addiction, burn-out syndrome), personal development, improving interpersonal relations.
FAMILY-RELATED ISSUES - assistance with ensuring affordable housing, communication with authorities, assistance in case of care of an elderly person, conflict solving and solving poor communication within the family.
Ombudsman's responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Impartial settlement of complaints of those who think that their superiors do not act fairly and properly
- Revealing and eliminating errors and mistakes that are mostly difficult to perceive and/or those that are hardly punishable according to law
- Commencing investigation into a complaint (or investigation based on an instigation) or on the ombudsman's own initiative
- Improving the level of awareness of issues concerning the employees and the employer
- Providing the employees with advisory services and taking an active part in their education (financial literacy, orientation in various situations in life, etc.)
- Helping create a friendly and pleasant atmosphere in the company.