HAVING INTRODUCED the management system according to IATF 16949, the mainsprings of our organization are:


  • Higher satisfaction of our customers and economic success through our policy of continuous improvements
  • Contractual obligations in intercompany relations
  • Competitive advantage through our customers' increased trust in our company
  • Consistent fullfilment of company assignments and plans

The certified management system is a proof of our soundness, respectability and clearly defined goals which result in our customers' satisfaction.


The IATF 16949 Standard represents a continuous process helping us seek and identify those areas of our activities where both the actual management system and related processes can be improved even more.


In view of the fact that IATF 16949 is based on the ISO 9001 Standard, it can easily be interconnected with the other systems used, for example with ISO 14001 a ISO 50001. Owing to the fact that IATF 16949 certification is internationally recognized, our credibility (in e.g. bids for contracts to make global supplies or in extending our local business ventures) is guaranteed.